Wednesday 25 January 2012

And The Second Half Kicks Us Off, Now....

Hello and welcome to my blog which will before your very eyes progress into something I do not know yet. The more posts I do about our national obsession will give you a firmer idea as and when they're added.

I do intend to write about the almost countless football stories that litter and entertain our hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly existences. I have been personally faithful to two football teams in the last twenty two years of following football: Celtic and Hull City. The reasons have been simple: my father is from Glasgow and spent a number of his formative years in The Jungle of Celtic Park. With Hull City this is the geographical local team. My father moved to Hull and, growing up there myself, The Tigers were the only football team in town. 

Like anyone with a human obsession, football has spread into my life like a cough on a sick person. Within the twenty two years of loving the game it has changed like anything else going through generations. Kits change; money changes hands; managers come and go; success with it too. 

I will also be linking quite a considerable of discoveries from the internet and then talking about them. I will also add some of the political aspect that creep into football. The two are completely linked. Football, after all, does reflect a lot of our lives and in society it brings people together. 

Grab a pie, a pint, a quick snout, and stand on the terraces to observe....

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